Challenge 4
Ground Trials
Due 27 May, 1 July, 26 August 2024

You will complete a series of ground trials to find the optimum growth of the algae species selected, without introducing death through accelerated quiescence or senescence.
Each trial will run for 4 weeks under various conditions. It is expected that students keep a log book of their weekly findings. Results of each trial will be discussed via live video session (more details to come, closer to the commencement of the Ground Trials). Once the final protocol is established it will be used both on Earth and recommended for the algae that goes to space.
Ground Trial 1
Completed in 2023.
In Term 2, you will complete two sets of Ground Trials.
Ground Trial 2
DUE 27 MAY 2024
Aim: To investigate the optimal light intensity and photoperiod for Chlorella vulgaris growth.
Students to report their findings live on webinar in Week 5.
Ground Trial 3
DUE 1 JULY 2024
Aim: To investigate the optimal concentration of MLA for Chlorella vulgaris growth. Students to report their findings live on webinar in Week 10.
Ground Trial 4
DUE 26 AUGUST 2024
Student/school designed trial. You will have the freedom to explore any independent variable/s that you believe will help us find the most optimum growth conditions for algae.
Keep this in mind during the first and second ground trials. You can use your results to help you make your decision.
Written submission for each school, submitted by your teacher.