Task 2

Microclimate Investigation

Outdoor school environments need to be safe, stimulate physical and cognitive development of children and encourage learning. These key requirements are jeopardised by increasing summer heat. Summer heat limits outdoor activities and has adverse effects on physical wellbeing of school children and teachers. Children are particularly vulnerable to heat as they regulate their core temperature through convection, which becomes less effective when it is hot. It is thus increasingly important to protect children from summer heat, which is predicted to become more frequent and intense as a result of global warming.
Sebastian Pfautsch et al, Western Sydney University, School Microclimates, 2020


Interpret and visualise your school’s microclimate data and use this to design and apply solutions to mitigate heat in your school. 

Over the summer break, all 9 schools in the program installed 6–10 data loggers across their campuses to collect temperature data, which will help you to understand the microclimates in your school. You can share your project at the 50°C Climate Summit on 11 April 2025.

To complete this task you will need to:

1. Interpret and Visualise Data
You will have access to a thermal camera and be given temperature data to interpret, visualise and make evidence-based evaluations.

2. Design and Apply Solutions
Using this data and knowledge you build throughout this term you will design and apply solutions to mitigate heat in your school to share at the 50°C Climate Summit on 11 April 2025. Ensure you document your process.


Task 2 Instructions


Tair Example

Step #4


Data Analyses

Step #5


Heatwave Example

Step #6


School Microclimate Report
