Powerhouse Associate

Engaging practitioners of the applied arts and sciences to enrich their practice and professional standing through collaboration with Powerhouse curatorial, collections, digitisation, exhibitions and public program teams.

Powerhouse Associate

Selected Associates will be in residence over a 12-month period to develop and deliver a project that contributes to the Powerhouse renewal and the future of contemporary museum practice. Associates will have access to the full scope of Powerhouse facilities including workspaces, digital studios, the Powerhouse Collection, Research Library and Archives, while working alongside museum staff, contractors and Residents.

Applications are annual - subscribe for updates

Current Associates

Alumni Associates

Powerhouse Initiatives

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We support and invest in a range of initiatives that sustain industry development and individual creative practice across the applied arts, applied sciences and creative industries.



Careers, volunteer projects, residencies, fellowships, design accelerators and research programs that are currently open.
