Treasure Islands
A partnership with Powerhouse and Arts and Cultural Exchange, Treasure Islands follows Leo Tanoi and members of Sydney’s Pasifika community as they share the stories of cultural belongings from Sāmoa, Tonga, Papua New Guinea, Cook Islands, Fiji and Kiribati held in the Powerhouse Collection.
Treasure Islands
Creative director: Leo Tanoi
Creative producer: Victoria Harbutt
Videographer: Greg Semu
Editor: Lyndal Irons
Assistant curator: Vanessa Jacob
Program producer: Anne-Louise Dadk
Conservator: Bronwyn Dunn
Contributors – Samoa:
Maryjane Schwenke, Moemoana Schwenke
Contributors – Tonga:
Sela Smith, Kalisi Holani, Lavinia Veikune
Contributors – Papua New Guinea:
John Kewa, Roger Datt, Margret Kewa, Martina Kewa, Milena Kewa, John-Ryan Kewa, Emmanuel Waiya
Contributors – Cook Islands:
Sarah Ruapuna, Ben Ruapuna Jnr, BJ Ruapuna, Brianna Ruapuna, Tolyma-Night Ruapuna, Lena Ruapuna, Johnny Taramia, Bubbah Tiati, Navera Ruapuna, Christine Hecoitt Tuapou, Christian Reva-George, Ngatokoa Hewett, Toto Hewett, Rota Williams, Magaret Nekaere, Victoria Bishop, John Bishop, Victoria Charlie, Pio Charlie, Harlowe, Haly, Onyx, Justice, Broncos
Contributors – Fiji:
Ilikena Karikaritu, Grace Silatolu
Contributors – Kiribati:
Bessie Bowry, Lily Gubbay, Brayeta Barenaba, Tiana Barenaba, Mark Bowry, Esther-Lily Mau’u, Ecclesia Mau’u, Liz Mau’u, May Lai, Tiana Van Gestel
With thanks to Carey Ward, Scott Winston, Sharon Mifsud, Alison Leeson, Alison Brennan and Sophie Harrington.
We Are Warriors is an Indigenous social enterprise, dedicated to celebrating Blak excellence and empowering Indigenous youth. On January 26, one of the most polarising days of the year, We Are Warriors took over Powerhouse Ultimo for BlakPowerhouse: We Are Warriors, taking back a day of sorrow and turning it into a day of power and positivity.
First Nations Fashion and Design
First Nations Fashion and Design is a national voice representing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members; creating ongoing access to opportunities, skill development, and industry engagement. As a not-for-profit organisation, its core business is supporting the growth of Indigenous fashion.