Blak Powerhouse 2023
We Are Warriors is an Indigenous social enterprise dedicated to celebrating Blak excellence and empowering Indigenous youth. On 26 January, one of the most polarising days of the year, We Are Warriors took over Powerhouse Ultimo for Blak Powerhouse: We Are Warriors, taking back a day of sorrow and turning it into a day of power and positivity.
First Nations Fashion and Design
First Nations Fashion and Design is a national voice representing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members, committed to creating ongoing access to opportunities, skill development, and industry engagement. As a not-for-profit organisation, its core business is supporting the growth of Indigenous fashion.
First Nations
'Powerhouse is committed to implementing Indigenous ways of working across all Powerhouse sites and areas of practice, including collections, curatorial, learning, public programs, design and delivery, communication, administration, operations, strategy and governance.'
Blak Powerhouse 2024
Once again, Indigenous social enterprise We Are Warriors will take over Powerhouse Ultimo to turn a day of sorrow into one of power and positivity.