Old records in a container

Audio Visual Archiving

Tag iconWorkshop
Ended 19 Jul 2023
Castle Hill

Join Powerhouse variable media archivist Alysha Connor for an introductory two-hour workshop on managing audio visual archives.

This workshop is designed for staff and volunteers working in museums or collection organisations with digital and audio-visual material in their collections and are looking for expert guidance on how to archive and maintain it.

The session will conclude with a one-hour tour of an archive storage area led by a museum registrar.


Alysha Connor is an audio-visual specialist with a career in archive and broadcast collections spanning more than 10 years. She has worked with media organisations such as the ABC, Foxtel, and Channel 9, and museums such as the MCA. Alysha holds a master's degree, researching AV archiving and digital preservation.



Powerhouse Castle Hill
172 Showground Rd
Castle Hill NSW 2154


Adult $60
Bookings essential – a light lunch is included.

19 July 2023


We encourage visitors with accessibility requirements to contact us via book@powerhouse.com.au or (02) 9217 0222 for help in planning your visit. We accept Companion Cards.