Developing Display Themes
Join Powerhouse curator Anni Turnbull for an introductory workshop on developing exhibition concepts and themes.
Anni will share her knowledge of planning, identifying significant objects and images, and other methods of interpretation for exhibitions, drawing on her long experience working on many Powerhouse exhibitions and curating across areas of the museum’s collection.
Anni’s research expertise includes the social history of Sydney and NSW, looking at social change and migration, environment, sport, diversity, food, health and significant sites of Sydney, in particular the Sydney Harbor Bridge.
Anni aims to incorporate people’s stories in museum and library collections and make them accessible through oral and video histories, exhibitions, web stories and podcasts.
Her current research project is the Australian Culinary Archive, charting Australians’ changing taste buds through chefs and other culinary influencers from Margaret Fulton onwards.
This event is designed for staff and volunteers working in museums and the collecting sector. The session will finish with a one-hour tour of one of our storage areas led by a museum registrar.
We encourage visitors with accessibility requirements to contact us via book@powerhouse.com.au or (02) 9217 0222 for help in planning your visit. We accept Companion Cards.