A silver gelatin dry plate glass negative in landscape format.

Country Always

Caring for Country

A Corner of the Empire

The Garden Palace

Sepia photograph of the Technological Museum and a cow in the foreground

The Holding Pen

The Agricultural Hall

Sepia photograph of the Technological College and Museum in Broken Hill

Regional Networks

Across New South Wales

A Museum of Doing

Technological Museum

Colour photograph of red corrugated iron building from a high vantage point

Transforming the Tramsheds

Powerhouse Stage 1 and the Harwood Building

A Symbol in Time

Sydney Observatory

Powerhouse Museum, Stage 2 exterior from high angle, city skyline in background

Ongoing Transformations

Powerhouse Ultimo

Blurred image from film with museum object number

Applied Arts and Sciences

Defining the terms in the 21st century

Architectural model of the Powerhouse Castle Hill site, 2005. Powerhouse collection.

Powerhouse Renewal

Two people standing next to a cow in a field of cows.

Powerhouse Food: Producers

Across Western Sydney24 Aug 2024 — 25 Jul 2025
Five people dressed in white sit on the floor around black pots and surrounded by black pots.

Sydney Design Week

Across Sydney13—19 Sep
Shadows cast by the Powerhouse Parramatta exoskeleton on concrete


Powerhouse Parramatta

A woman stands on stage in front of a large audience. She has her left hand raised in the air and a microphone in her right hand. The audience are holding their phones up recording the woman.

Blak Powerhouse

Powerhouse x We Are Warriors

Slider thumb2023
Architectural model of the Powerhouse Castle Hill site, 2005. Powerhouse collection.

Family Day: Local Histories

Tag iconDay Event
Ended 3 Jun 2023
Castle Hill

Powerhouse Castle Hill presents a day of fun hands-on activities, demonstrations and talks focused on local histories.

Hear stories from the local area and Darug Country, enjoy a picnic in the gardens, tour the stores to view highlights from the Powerhouse Collection, watch Jannawi Dance Clan dance up Country and help us build a miniature neighbourhood.

These free activities are designed to inspire people of all ages.


Welcome to Country
Darug Elder Aunty Peta Strachan will welcome us onto Country.

Performance by Jannawi Dance Clan
Jannawi Dance Clan is a leading Aboriginal dance company that centres on Indigenous storytelling through dance and performance. The name Jannawi means ‘with me, with you’ in Darug. Jannawi is a dance collective that celebrates the strength, resilience, and stories of Aboriginal people in NSW.

10am – 3pm
Castle Hill Pop-up Library
Visit Castle Hill Pop-up Library to hear librarians read local stories and histories, including works by Darug authors Leanne Watson and Jasmine Seymour. Sign-up on the day to become a member of the library and you can borrow a book to read at home.

11am – 2pm
Robert Ryan wool demonstration
Hear from local expert Robert Ryan of wool agency Schute Bell Badgery Lumby. View wool samples from the area and learn about the history of the local wool industry.

11am – 2pm
Jenny Dunn spinning demonstration
Watch a wool spinning demonstration by local business owner and textile artist Jenny Dunn.

11.30am and 12.30pm (30 min duration)
Tour with Curator Anni Turnbull
Take a family-friendly tour of highlights from the Powerhouse Collection housed at Powerhouse Castle Hill guided by Powerhouse Curator Anni Turnbull. *Limited spaces, free sign-up at reception on the day.

10am – 4pm
Record your story
Make a zine that holds stories of your local area to share with your friends and family.

Building a community
Use recycled cardboard to make a miniature home and help us build a neighborhood inspired by local histories and architectural miniatures from the Powerhouse Collection.

1pm, 3pm (30 min duration)
Local history tours: Pause, play rewind
How much do you know about your local area’s history? Join us as we look back at travel, agriculture, family life and school days – when the only apple was in your lunchbox!

Drop in game 11.30, 1.30, 2.30 (30 min duration)
Mystery Object Challenge
Calling all budding historians, archaeologists and those with curious minds! Drop in to test your sleuthing skills in this family friendly activity and see if you can work out what the historic mystery objects are.


Powerhouse Castle Hill
172 Showground Rd
Castle Hill NSW 2154

Plan your visit


3 June 2023


Free, bookings required.
Suitable for all ages.

There is limited parking on site.



We encourage visitors with accessibility requirements to contact us via book@powerhouse.com.au or (02) 9217 0222 for help in planning your visit. We accept Companion Cards.



Please note there are no food or drink facilities on site, but you are welcome to bring a picnic lunch and enjoy it on the lawns.