Landscape-format, black and white glass plate negative depicting a picnic scene at Freshwater, with young men and women and a small child


Every Sat—Sun
Castle Hill

The sound of a cricket bat thwacking a ball, the smell of a sizzling barbecue and the feeling of grass or sand under our feet. These sensory memories send us right back on holiday and lift the spirits. The appeal of leaving the everyday world behind for a while to go on holiday is universal across ages and cultures.

Changes in society since the 1900s, such as paid annual leave and access to new or cheaper modes of transport, have meant that more Australians are able to take some time to rest, explore and play. Swimming, caravanning, sport and games have long been popular holiday pastimes, and since the advent of COVID-19 there has been a resurgence in the popularity of picnics and bushwalks, and in the use of puzzles, playing cards and board games.