A silver gelatin dry plate glass negative in landscape format.

Country Always

Caring for Country

A Corner of the Empire

The Garden Palace

Sepia photograph of the Technological Museum and a cow in the foreground

The Holding Pen

The Agricultural Hall

Sepia photograph of the Technological College and Museum in Broken Hill

Regional Networks

Across New South Wales

A Museum of Doing

Technological Museum

Colour photograph of red corrugated iron building from a high vantage point

Transforming the Tramsheds

Powerhouse Stage 1 and the Harwood Building

A Symbol in Time

Sydney Observatory

Powerhouse Museum, Stage 2 exterior from high angle, city skyline in background

Ongoing Transformations

Powerhouse Ultimo

Blurred image from film with museum object number

Applied Arts and Sciences

Defining the terms in the 21st century

Powerhouse Renewal

The red rooftop of Phive, featuring small undulations, that create a wavey pattern across the building.

The project PHIVE

Recipients of the 2023 Holdmark Innovation Award

Two people standing next to a cow in a field of cows.

Powerhouse Food: Producers

Across Western Sydney24 Aug 2024 — 25 Jul 2025
Five people dressed in white sit on the floor around black pots and surrounded by black pots.

Sydney Design Week

Across Sydney13—19 Sep
Shadows cast by the Powerhouse Parramatta exoskeleton on concrete


Powerhouse Parramatta

A woman stands on stage in front of a large audience. She has her left hand raised in the air and a microphone in her right hand. The audience are holding their phones up recording the woman.

Blak Powerhouse

Powerhouse x We Are Warriors

Slider thumb2024

The project PHIVE

Recipients of the 2023 Holdmark Innovation Award
DesignInc Sydney with Lacoste+Stevenson and Manuelle Gautrand Architecture
The red rooftop of Phive, featuring small undulations, that create a wavey pattern across the building.

The project PHIVE – Community, Cultural and Civic Hub by DesignInc Sydney with Lacoste+Stevenson and Manuelle Gautrand Architecture was selected as the recipient of the 2023 Holdmark Innovation Award.

DesignInc Sydney

A multidisciplinary studio with expertise in precinct master planning and conceptual design for large-scale civic, transport, education and health developments.

Born from three Australian architecture and design practices coming together in 2000, DesignInc is a powerful union of design talent, professional expertise and multidisciplinary skills.

'We understand the complexities of designing schools, workplaces, community hubs, boarding houses, master plans, recreation facilities and transport infrastructure. We are driven not only by the desire to create beautiful places; we want the environments we design to be equitable and accessible for users. Crucially, we also want the people who design them to be happy and healthy.'


A creative design studio with expertise in art, architecture and urban design established by Thierry Lacoste and David Stevenson in 1997. As a result of an international partnership the practice takes advantage of local and global influences to produce distinctive creations.

'The directors lead a creative design studio that is highly skilled in design and building technologies and experienced in building delivery. Design solutions strive to exceed the client’s expectations. The practice provides innovative architectural, urban design and interior design services that are tailored to the opportunities and constraints of the brief and budget.'

Manuelle Gautrand Architecture

A Paris-based architecture firm founded by Manuelle Gautrand in 1991. The team of architects develops projects for public contracting authorities as well as private firms in France and abroad.

'We aspire to serve people and cities with an innovative and sensitive architecture. Far away from standards and international architecture, we are always aiming to find the DNA of a city and its site, defining a sense of place with a very contextual approach, and with projects that bring beauty and poetry to their place.'

Project Summary

Boardroom in geometric and spacious room
The selection committee agreed that PHIVE by DesignInc Sydney with Lacoste+Stevenson and Manuelle Gautrand Architecture has created a vital civic hub for Parramatta, which the local communities have actively embraced as their own. Its ingenious rooftop design and passive climate strategies make it a worthy recipient of the inaugural Holdmark Innovation Award.
Keinton Butler, senior curator – Design and Architecture, Powerhouse

PHIVE delivers much needed community space for Parramatta. It is the new cultural and civic heart, providing world-class community and cultural experiences, state-of-the-art library and council chambers. Engaging and connecting with Parramatta Square, it is an urban living room – a place to meet, exhibit and explore. The design has a social and sustainability agenda at its core.

PHIVE’s distinctive playful shape is sculpted within a shadow plane, protecting solar access to the public square. The building’s envelope opens to views and light; a sustainable three-dimensional skin protecting the interior from heat and glare by self-shading its windows .

The building features facilities for local First Nations communities, managed by the local Traditional Custodians. The Dharug community manages the ‘Dharug Room’, ‘Keeping Place’ and research laboratory. The laboratory is humidity controlled for storing artefacts.

Construction of PHIVE followed the Waste Minimisation and Management Act 1995 to manage waste at the site during excavation and construction works. The design used strategies to improve resilience and adaption to climate change events through the Climate Adaptation Plan (CAP), which was created by LCI Engineers to address climate context, projections and the relevant risks to the building (flood, drought, fire).

The project includes strategies to protect, support and regenerate the site’s ecology including internal and external planting areas irrigated with harvested rainwater and using WSUD strategies.

PHIVE cantilevers into the square, providing protected areas which fulfill the Parramatta Square masterplan and pedestrian strategy to provide all-weather circulation areas through the Square.

PHIVE has been designed for passive thermal comfort with the use of small spaces, study pods, natural ventilation, blinds, actuated louvres. Renewable energy technology has been used to reduce the operational carbon footprint of PHIVE resulting in a low reliance on traditional heating and cooling methods.

The distinctive roof form optimises natural ventilation and disperses daylight throughout the building’s interior. Louvres screen the west facing façade and shield the building against solar gain in summer.

The selection of materials and processes considered a wide range of environmental impacts, including but not limited to environmental degradation, embodied carbon and supply chain slavery. PHIVE was subject to a BCA JV3 Report and was designed to qualify for a six-star Green Star rating.

2023 Selection Committee

Kevin Nassif, chief operating officer, Holdmark Property Group
Marni Reti, associate, Kaunitz Yeung Architecture
Hannah Slater, NSW/ACT planning and design lead, Arup
Ninotschka Titchkosky, co-chief executive officer, BVN
Keinton Butler, senior curator – design and architecture, Powerhouse

Holdmark Innovation Award

An annual award recognising excellence and innovation in the built environment, receiving a $10,000 cash prize.

Applications Closed

Next Open May 2025

Holdmark Property Group, under the leadership of Founder and Chief Executive Sarkis Nassif, has committed $10 million towards Powerhouse Parramatta. This remarkable investment will support Sydney Design Week, the establishment of the Holdmark Gallery and a summer school.

As Sydney Design Week Principal Partner Holdmark presents the annual Holdmark Innovation Award.

Principal Partner



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