Making Sustainable Photobooks
Making Sustainable Photobooks is a half-day workshop with printer Vasili Vasileiadis of Deephouse Print Studio / Uneven Press and Powerhouse image producer and photo-educator, Benjamin Chadbond.
Vasileiadis and Chadbond lead an afternoon workshop designed to support photographers, artists, architects and designers to produce sustainable photobooks and embed sustainable thinking into their process. This workshop provides a comprehensive guide for first-time photobook makers, covering all necessary steps in the production process, including print methods (xerography, digital/indigo and offset), production workflow and colour management.
Powerhouse is inviting expressions of interest from established, emerging and student practitioners who would like to learn more about the photobook-making process. The four-hour workshop is offered at a subsidised cost. Apply by Friday September 1, successful applicants will be notified in early September.
Vasili Vasileiadis is an independent printer based in Sydney, working under the name Deephouse Print Studio. For the past 15 years he has worked with institutions, publishers, artists and creatives to produce exhibitions, art books and other printed projects. His photography has been featured in numerous exhibitions, including the 19th PhotoBiennale in Thessaloniki, Greece, and The National Photographic Portrait Prize and The Photography Room in Canberra. He also runs Uneven Press, a small-press publishing project established in 2021.
Benjamin Chadbond is a Powerhouse image producer and photo-educator. He is responsible for coordinating public-facing image production across all Powerhouse Museum locations and is a passionate photography educator. Chadbond has developed workshops, talks and programs in collaboration with esteemed photographers and institutions, including Hoda Afshar, Polly Borland, Todd Hido, Pixy Liao, Mimi Plumb, Alex Prager, Mike Slack and Torbjørn Rødland.
We encourage visitors with accessibility requirements to contact us via book@powerhouse.com.au or (02) 9217 0222 for help in planning your visit. We accept Companion Cards.